Discover the brands and technologies from our business units Henkel Adhesive Technologies and Henkel Consumer Brands.
V Henklu prihajamo iz različnih ozadij, perspektiv in življenjskih izkušenj. Verjamemo, da je unikatnost vsakega posameznika naša moč. Postani del ekipe in se nam pridruži s tvojo unikatnostjo!
ID delovnega mesta: 25075038
Delovne lokacije: Slovenia, Maribor, Maribor
Kontaktni podatki za vprašanja v zvezi s prijavo:
Prosimo, da ne uporabljate e-pošte za pošiljanje prošnje za delo ali življenjepisa. Če želite oddati prijavo na delovno mesto, kliknite zgornji gumb »Prijavite se za to vlogo«. Prijave, poslane po e-pošti, ne bodo upoštevane.
Rok za prijavo: vse dokler je prosto delovno mesto prikazano na naši spletni strani Zaposlitve, bomo z veseljem sprejeli vašo prijavo!
Job-Center: Če že imate vlogo, lahko tukaj ustvarite svoj račun ali se vanj prijavite in preverite stanje svoje prijave. V primeru ustvarjanja novega računa uporabite svoj e-poštni naslov, s katerim ste se prijavili.
About Henkel
Building on a strong legacy of more than 145 years, we are leading the way to reimagine and improve life every day. Today and for generations to come. Through our innovative and sustainable brands and technologies, across our teams around the world.
Henkel holds leading positions in both industrial and consumer businesses: Our portfolio includes well-known hair care products, laundry detergents, fabric softeners as well as adhesives, sealants, and functional coatings.
Yes – simply fill out your profile in our online application system. Once your online profile is complete, you can apply for multiple positions.
Yes, please. As Henkel is an international company, you will be working with colleagues from all over the world, and English is our official company language. Generally, our recommendation is to please write the application in the same language as the job ad.
Each position that we have open with Henkel is unique, and finding the right candidate is important for both the hired candidate as well as for Henkel. We want to make sure that both the candidate and the company are a good fit for each other. We will provide feedback to the candidates throughout the entire process.
Yes, in fact, it is our expectation that Henkel employees will want to grow and explore different career paths during their time with us. This helps to support the company on a broad, global level.
Our “Triple Two” philosophy promotes this expectation, by allowing you to work in at least two different roles, in two different business areas and in two different countries. The reason behind this philosophy is that we believe working in different roles, business units and functions is good for your personal development and improves your understanding of Henkel as a global company.
Our recruiting team will help you with all requests regarding your application. Contact the team here.