15 Jan 2019

Henkel New Zealand supports local charity

Volunteering for a good cause

On 9 November, Henkel New Zealand employees who are passionate about gardening volunteered with Totara Hospice South Auckland to help with mulching and cleaning its children’s playground.

Henkel employees shovelled and spread mulch to even the ground. They also used them for the plants in the gardens and operated the water blaster to clean the walking paths.

One of the volunteers said, “Even though it was hard work and tiring, we persevered as a team and this made the experience memorable. After we finished, I took a walk through the gardens. It is a special place and I hope our contribution would make it more comfortable for the patients.”

Totara Hospice South Auckland provides free multi-disciplinary, specialist holistic palliative care services to patients with life limiting conditions in South and Southeast Auckland.

Henkel employees shoveling mulch and loading them into wheelbarrows.

Henkel employees helped spread mulch to even the children’s playground at Totara Hospice South Auckland.