15 Jun. 2020  Melbourne

Laundry & Home Care

Meet the laundry specialist: Dynamo Professional

Laundry detergent is an essential product in every household. Liquid or capsules, they keep our clothes fresh and clean. In its recent face lift, Dynamo Professional range performs to tackle every laundry need in every spin.

Champion against stains

Among its various unique offerings, the Dynamo Professional range has been a brand built on fighting the toughest stains with its Dynamo Oxi Plus detergent. Crowned as a champion against stains using state-of-the-art technology, it is designed to do its job – banish stubborn stains.

We come into contact with dirt, sweat, food stains and all sorts of icky mess daily. In its new formula, there are a few improvements to increase efficacy against stains. One of which is the addition of a fifth surfactant, that provides an improved performance on greasy stains. The increased use of enzymes also removes targeted stains effectively and a patented soil release polymer helps prevent strong soil adhesion to fabrics such as cotton and synthetic clothes.

Forward-looking design

One of the major changes in the rebranding of Dynamo Professional includes redesigning its packaging to be fitting for modern users; in other words, to be e-commerce and ergonomically friendly. With online shopping becoming a routine and not just a passing fad, the product packaging needs to sell to consumers with as little words as possible.

Besides the eye-catching design and bright colours, the new bottle handle has been repositioned and redesigned to provide better grip. The spout and new transparent cap allow for easier pouring of the detergent and drives a more premium appearance to attract consumers.

The range of Dynamo Professional products.

A comparison between the old and new Dynamo Professional packaging.

The new Dynamo Professional packaging is ergonomically designed.

Dynamo Oxi Plus is able to fight the toughest stains.